As an Events Management student, gaining valuable work experience over the last year has been difficult. Thanks to Udrafter, I found Recycl8 and have been working with them as their Sustainability Business Intern.
Throughout the pandemic, the need for a wide skill set became clear to me. This was particularly prevalent as events were cancelled and many industry professionals found themselves unemployed through no fault of their own. This, plus lots of free time during lockdown, pushed me to complete online courses and gain a wider understanding of the marketing sector – which I had covered in a couple of modules of my BA (Hons) Events Management degree at Robert Gordon University.
Udrafter is an online marketplace that connects skilled students and graduates with businesses to complete one-off projects or tasks, on demand. This is where I connected with Recycl8, after seeing an advert which matched my skills. I was initially interested in Recycl8 due to their sustainability focus, coupled with an interest in working with start-up businesses and entrepreneurs.
Recycl8 are working in collaboration with the waste to energy and global construction industries to transform Incinerator Bottom Ash (IBA), often destined for landfill, into a high performing, low carbon concrete solution. Their unique admixture will make up to 60% by volume of concrete.
Simply put, this means they are reducing the carbon emissions from concrete manufacture – building a more sustainable future for our planet. Reclyc8 are a socially and environmentally conscious company, committed to the Circular Economy and net zero goals!
Although I was initially hesitant about not possessing industry-specific knowledge, these fears were quickly squashed, and I am settling in well with the team – and learning a huge amount about the industry and start-up businesses! Here are some things I’ve learned so far:
- If cement were a country, it would be the 3rd largest emitter of CO2 just behind the USA and China. That’s why the work Recycl8 is conducting is so important – striving to bring us closer to our sustainability goals.
- Creating an extensive network is vital. Recycl8 joined Elevator’s Grey Matters programme, which supports start-ups. This helped move their project forward, and they gained advice from experienced professionals in start-up businesses. They have since had the opportunity to meet like-minded professionals at events (albeit virtually, for now), continuing to grow their network.
- Share your successes – Don’t be afraid to shout to the world your wins! Recycl8 have recently been selected to be part of Unlocking Ambition – Scotland’s flagship enterprise development programme! This is great news for a company in the testing phase of their product and should be celebrated!
Want to learn more? Follow Recycl8 on LinkedIn, get in touch at